Some organizations are increasing the number of intelligence analysts on their staff and the roles of these analysts are expanding beyond the typical loss prevention and investigations.
This Security Barometer quick poll is investigating how prevalent intelligence analysts are and where they are being put to use.
Roughly three quarters of respondents are using intelligence analysts for security risk mitigation initiatives. Comments of some of those that were not using intelligence analysts included that they were currently using security specialists to take on some of the duties of an intelligence analyst or that their intelligence programs were in their infancy.
Of those who were using intelligence analysts, the majority were focused on travel security, event security, geopolitical impact, and protective intelligence.
Risks to organizations seem to be becoming more complex and security needs to evolve to address those risks. Gathering and analyzing intelligence is a specialized skill that can go a long way toward protecting the organization from these new threats. With strong intelligence capabilities they can learn to identify and interpret the signs of coming change for a robust response.
Next Steps
The SEC recently worked with Mercyhurst University and its School of Intelligence, Computing, & Global Politics to open the SEC’s Business Intelligence and Innovation Laboratory (BI
2 Lab). The lab was created to create and leverage intelligence-driven security risk research and tools to assist corporate security leaders in identifying and communicating information that is relevant to private-sector business.
You can read more about the BI2 Lab here.
What unique problems can the BI
2 Lab help you solve? If you have questions or ideas, or if you'd like to discuss a potential project,
contact the SEC today.
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