Proven Practices Library Built Upon Experience of Successful Practitioners

September 14, 2010, Washington, DC—The Security Executive Council’s newly launched Proven Practices Library shares on-demand learning and executive presentation resources that have been created and proven effective by successful security practitioners. It was designed to provide high-end resources at a reasonable price for security programs struggling with constrained budgets and lack of staff time.

The presentations offered address a wide variety of topics and challenges faced by security and risk practitioners from the Fortune 500 to the “Fortune 500,000” level. Security leaders and others responsible for mitigating risks can review each presentation to determine whether it’s the right resource for their industry, company type and culture based on the author’s experience and expertise.

Each of these narrated PowerPoint presentations was created by a Security Executive Council practitioner expert who wants to share the insight he or she has gained over a successful security career. Unlike most presentations available from security organizations and media, all materials in the Proven Practices Library are built upon successful practitioner experience rather than product sales pitches. Currently available presentations include:

• Briefing Your C-Level Executive: Threat Briefing and Practical Examples for How to Deal With Emerging Threats, by Theresa Payton (Former White House CIO)

• Media Exposure and Risk: Protecting the Person, by Kenneth Kasten (formerly with Carlson Companies)

• Supply Chain Security: The Art of Connectivity Management—Linking Productivity Improvement with Net Returns to Your Security Investments, by Peter Cheviot (former VP of Corporate Security for BAX Global Inc.)

• Toolbox to Develop Your Workplace Violence Prevention Program: A Training Guide for Managers and Supervisors, by Rosalind W. Jackson (former manager of Georgia-Pacific’s workplace violence prevention program)

Proven Practices presentations may be used for program development or enhancement, training, personal development, or presentation to senior management. Presentation authors are also available for more in-depth interaction, from the creation of customized presentations, to one-on-one communication and speaking engagements.

To view an extended sample of the presentation “Building a Security Measures & Metrics Program” by George Campbell, former CSO of Fidelity Investments, click here.

Click here for summaries of all available presentations.

The Proven Practices library is one outcome of the Council’s Legacy Initiative, which was designed to share experience-based security-related information concerning programs and problem solving with practitioners throughout the world.

About the Security Executive Council
The Security Executive Council ( is an innovative problem-solving research and services organization. We work with Tier 1 Security Leaders to reduce risk and add to corporate profitability in the process. A faculty of more than 100 experienced security executives provides strategy, insight and proven practices that cannot be found anywhere else. Through our pioneering approach of Collective Knowledge, we serve corporations and organizations of all types and sizes. The Council is quickly becoming the foremost voice on organizational risk mitigation leadership. We welcome all aspects of the security community to become involved. If you are a practitioner, vendor/contractor, media company, professional association or educational institution, contact us:

Marleah Blades
Manager, External Relations
+1 202 730 9971

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