Security Budget Research Report Shows Both Increases and Cuts

April 20, 2009, Washington, DC—The Security Executive Council has released the results of its 2009 Security Budget Research Report: Impact of the Economic Downturn. The Council surveyed more than 250 qualified security practitioners in January to gather information on the state of their security budgets and to assess any impact the economic downturn has had on their programs.

• While more than half of respondents’ budgets are lower in 2009 than last year, 25% reported no change to their budgets and nearly one quarter reported budget increases.

• For those whose budgets decreased, the average percent of decrease was very similar to the percent decrease for 2008.

• In fiscal year 2008-2009 respondents reported over 40% increases in theft, fraud and requests for support to HR relative to layoffs.

• Responses revealed three dominant elements respondents are using to enhance their programs during the economic downturn: 1) awareness and training, 2) technology solutions, and 3) giving priority to the greatest risks to the organization.

The full results of this study are available only to Security Executive Council members, but an informative executive summary, complete with charts and graphs, can be found here. For more information, please contact Kathleen Kotwica.

About the Security Executive Council
The Security Executive Council is a member organization for senior security and risk executives from corporations and government agencies responsible for corporate and/or IT security programs. In partnership with its research arm, the Security Leadership Research Institute, the Council is dedicated to developing tools that help lower the cost of members’ programs, making program development more efficient and establishing security as a recognized value center. For information:

Contact: Marleah Blades
Manager, External Relations
+1 202 730 9971

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