SLRI Seeks Input on Continuum of Convergence

March 3, 2022 – The Security Executive Council’s (SEC) Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) is partnering with Kennesaw State University’s Coles College of Business to research the current state of security convergence.

The SLRI recognizes that there are a variety of ways in which corporate and cyber security interact within organizations, so rather than referring to convergence as a singular achievement, they define it along a spectrum of collaboration in which most organizations can find themselves.

Through this research, they hope to build an improved model of how corporate and cyber security can or should work together for optimized risk mitigation. The study will also identify the benefits and costs that come from security convergence at different places along the convergence continuum.

The SLRI is looking for security practitioners to participate in a 20-minute survey to help build out this research. All information collected will be kept confidential, and results will be shared only in aggregate form, with no link between participants and the organizations they represent.

To participate, click here.

This research is just one of the many initiatives the SLRI conducts to assess trends in corporate security. To learn more or to become involved, click here.

About the Security Leadership Research Institute
The Security Leadership Research Institute (SLRI) provides independent and actionable research to the security and risk community. The SLRI was formed because of the need by the security industry to document the entire spectrum of corporate security risk mitigation through research. The SLRI conducts many forms of research, including benchmarks, practitioner quick polls, state of the industry and trend reports, and custom research for individual companies and security leaders. Learn more:

About the Security Executive Council
The Security Executive Council is the leading research and advisory firm focused on corporate security risk mitigation strategies and plans. We work with security leaders to transform security programs into more capable and valued centers of excellence. Watch our 3-minute video for a quick overview or visit us at

Media Contact:
Marleah Blades
Manager, External Relations
+1 202 730 9971

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