Insight on Security Metrics

The SEC’s perspectives on KPIs and business alignment.

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Insight on Security Metrics

Operational Excellence in Contract Security Performance Measurement

The focus in this paper is on measuring the performance of security service providers. The Security Executive Council believes that there needs to be a more in-depth consideration of what constitutes "excellence" in these operations given the consistent growth of outsourcing to guard service companies.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Demonstrate the Effectiveness of Emergency Response

The safety of employees and visitors is a core mission of corporate security. In light of budgetary restrictions, it is important to communicate these two key measures of readiness to management.
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Insight on Security Metrics

How to Reduce the Cost of False Alarms

Time is money. Look at how your team is spending its time.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Investing in Security’s ROI

We hear a lot about the difficulty of documenting Security’s return on investment. Consider this example.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Measuring Guard Force Operations

One of the largest line items in most corporate security budgets is security operations, or guard force costs. I am often amazed at the answers I get when I ask, “What metrics do you have for these activities?”
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Insight on Security Metrics

Showing the ROI of Contract Security Forces

A thoughtful security manager in Arizona once e-mailed me the following in response to one of my regular columns on security metrics: “I can’t think of a more relevant issue for physical security than a series of metrics regarding contract security costs...
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Insight on Security Metrics

Meeting Contract Standards

Is there a visible commitment to operational excellence within your security vendor’s on-site team? Contract guards represent the security organization to the average visitor and employee at U.S. businesses today, and their competence is both critical and evident in their interactions.
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Insight on Security Metrics

Faculty Advisor: Contract Security Challenges and Strategies: Part II

The KPIs currently used by my company to assess security services have been in place for years and the value of the information is questionable. What are the best quantifiable KPI measurements to demonstrate the value of our security contract as well as evaluate the performance of the security officers? How can I use the information to improve my overall contract security program?
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